Our Values
There are three values that have shaped our church in the past, and will continue to guide us in the future. They are reflected in our church’s name:
“RAINIER” – We are part of the Rainier Valley, one of the most diverse zip codes of the United States. We celebrate the various ethnicities and groups that make up our neighborhood and church, and also pursue reconciliation and justice as biblical values.
“AVENUE” – We have been located on this corner of Rainier Avenue since 1904. As such, we take our geographic presence seriously and seek to be a blessing to our local community.
“CHURCH” – Our primary identity is a Church, part of the Body of Christ, guided by the Word of God and theological orthodoxy. Even as we pursue the previous two principles, we want to hold on to our identity as the church.
Our Diversity
We are a diverse congregation - culturally, linguistically, and chronologically - located in a diverse community. We believe that this diversity is a gift from God that reflects His love for all people, and requires our full commitment. As such, racial reconciliation is a priority for our church, and our services incorporate elements from various cultures and contexts. Our sanctuary is fully accessible for people with all levels of mobility.

Our History
Rainier Avenue Church was established in 1904, on the same corner we are currently located, making the church one of the longest standing institutions of Hillman City. Through the leadership of half a dozen pastors over the decades, we remain committed to following Jesus Christ and pursuing the common good.

Our Denomination
Rainier Avenue Church is a Free Methodist congregation of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the FMCUSA. As Free Methodists, we pride ourselves in our Wesleyan spiritual heritage, which emphasizes serving the poor, ordaining women, and a longstanding commitment to justice and freedom.

Christian Community Development Association
Rainier Avenue Church is a member of CCDA, a network of ministries which serve alongside under-resourced communities. Key CCDA values include Relocation, Reconciliation, and Redistribution. CCDA features Leadership Development, Empowerment, a Wholistic Approach, is Church-Based, and active Listening to the Community. Some of the CCDA ministries that we have helped to start are Urban Impact Seattle, Hope Central Pediatrics, and our 10:19 Refugee Resettlement Program.